Culver City Bike Counts: Volunteers Needed!

It's that time of year again!

The city of Culver City is conducting its annual bike count. This is our opportunity to find out how much progress we have made. The information gathered in the count is invaluable for pursuing future grant opportunities. So if you want our city to become more bike friendly with more bike lanes, cycle tracks or even an improved Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan, we need your help NOW . The dates are Sat. May 16th Noon to 2pm and Tues. May 19 From 7-9 am and 4-6pm. The sign up form is here: if you can't help with the count, please offer suggestions of intersections where it would be good to conduct the count. You can do that on the form as well. Please also pass this on to any other interested parties that can help.


CCBC Planning Meeting


Holiday Pot Luck