Legislative News: Safe and Complete Streets Act of 2011

Congresswoman Matsui Introduces Safe and Complete Streets Legislation Policies Would Create Safer Roads for Bicyclists, Pedestrians, Seniors, Schoolchildren and MotoristsWASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Doris Matsui (D-CA) introduced theSafe and Complete Streets Act of 2011, legislation that would require eachstate's department of transportation and metropolitan planning organizationto put in place a Complete Streets policy that ensures all Federally-fundedtransportation projects accommodate the safety and convenience of allusers.  Complete Streets policies ensures roadways are built with all usersin mind - including bicyclists, public transportation vehicles and riders,motorists, freight vehicles, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities. This bipartisan legislation is cosponsored by Congressman Steven LaTourette(R-OH)."Complete Streets policies are a win-win for local communities: they savelives and create forward-looking projects that provide lasting value,"Matsui said.  "I have seen firsthand the interest in Complete Streets onthe local level, and a Federal Complete Streets standard will ensure aconsistent approach for all of our transportation investments.""I'm happy to lend my support to the Safe and Complete Streets Act, whichhelps ensure the safety of all those using our roadways," LaTourette said."We are so pleased to have Congressional champions who are committed tocreating safer streets," said Barbara McCann, Executive Director of theNational Complete Streets Coalition.  "Representatives Matsui andLaTourette are being responsive to communities across the country that areadopting state and local Complete Streets policies and want to see aconsistent commitment to safety reflected in federal transportationinvestments as well."The Urban Land Institute has estimated that carbon emissions fromtransportation would be 41 percent above today's levels in 2030 if drivingis not curbed, and a recent study by the Texas Transportation Institutefound that providing more travel options, including public transportation,bicycling and walking, is an important element in reducing trafficcongestion.  The study concluded that congestion was responsible for anannual $78 billion loss in fuel during traffic jams in 2007, an increasefrom $57.6 billion in 2000."Especially at a time when gas prices are putting enormous pressure on thepocketbooks of American consumers, more and more people are looking foralternatives to driving," added Matsui.  "However, far too often, our roadsare designed with one thing in mind - trying to move vehicle traffic asquickly as possible.  The risks of such design are apparent in the numberof pedestrian and bicyclist deaths and injuries we see every year, andoften discourage more people from considering other transportation methods.By completing our streets, we can open up our roadways to pedestrians andcyclists - helping to ease congestion and providing an alternative to gaspowered vehicles.  In doing so, we take strides to fight air pollution andglobal warming and improve our public health and safety."In 2008 alone, over 5,000 pedestrians and bicyclists died on U.S. roads andmore than 120,000 were injured.  One study found that designing roads forpedestrian travel by installing raised medians and redesigning sidewalksand intersections reduced pedestrian risk by 28%. That means that seniorswalking to the grocery store or church and children walking to school areput at unnecessary risk.Congresswoman Matsui's home state of California was one of the first statesto put a Complete Streets policy in place, and the Sacramento region'sBlueprint for growth has been a model for other metropolitan areas.  TheBlueprint incorporates Complete Streets polices on the local level, and theSafe and Complete Streets Act would do so on a national level."Complete Streets polices are designed to ensure streets, intersections andtrails are designed to make them easier to use and maximize their safety,"said Mike McKeever, Executive Director of the Sacramento Area Council ofGovernments (SACOG.)  "This legislation will encourage Americans to livemore active and healthy lifestyles, while also providing more traveloptions, and cutting down on traffic congestion.  SACOG applaudsCongresswoman Matsui's leadership in helping to implement our region'sBlueprint policies on a national level.""Congresswoman Matsui's Safe and Complete Streets Legislation is right inthe wheelhouse of the City of Sacramento's recently approved General Plan,"Jerry Way, Director of Transportation, City of Sacramento said.  "Thisproposed legislation will ensure that Complete Streets will be the standardand not the extraordinary."Terry Preston, Complete Streets Coordinator for WALKSacramento, added,"WALKSacramento applauds Rep. Matsui for her strong leadership in supportof Safe and Complete Streets in our communities.  The Safe and CompleteStreets Act of 2011 will provide needed direction and guidelines forFederally supported road design and construction.  Pedestrians areconsistently overrepresented in traffic injury and death statistics due topoor road design.  Yet, our need for sustainable communities calls on us tosupport more walking trips to the park, the bus, our childrens' school andelsewhere.  We need safer, healthier and more complete streets.WALKSacramento looks forward to working with Rep. Matsui on developing andenacting a Federal transportation measure that will complete our streetsand meet the needs of all users regardless of age, race, income ordisability.  Our roads belong to all of us."A copy of the Safe and Complete Streets Act of 2011 is available HERE.  Acopy of a Dear Colleague letter being circulated in support of thelegislation is available HERE.


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